

Logo nº 1 vs Logo nº 6

Well...this is really difficult!!!

As you can see if you read the comments for Logo nº1 and Logo nº6 there are anonymous votes and some of them are repeated. Both logos have a wide advantage, so we propose a SECOND ROUND only with these ones.

Now, you can only vote for the logo nº 1 and the logo nº 6 using the poll you could see on your right.
Comments will not be taken into account in this round.
On Tuesday 10:00h (Central Europe Hour, GMT+1) the results of this second round will be shown by blogger and, at last, we will know the winner.


Anonymous said...

For about 4 hours 43 votes for Logo N6 were made... How is this possible...? Why were the comments for this logo only ~20 (for 2 weeks) and now for only 4 hours 43 votes... I don't get it...

Anonymous said...

It says there remains 9 hours for the results.....but u say , it will be released at 11:00-inGMT+2-...


Anonymous said...

we called our frinds and i sent e-mail all members of website.So it can be possible make 43 votes in 4 hours......Because we told everybody to be quick....

elena n. said...

Oytun: There was no coincedence between the poll time counter and the blog hour setting as Centroeuropean Hour (GMT+1)so at 10:00 h. I finished manually the poll.

Anonymous: Everybody could vote if they come into this blog in both rounds (as you have checked writing an anonymous comment) and it's easier and faster clicking than writing a comment. Also, there must be people who didn't vote for these logos in first round(or just didn't vote) and now they have chosen one of them.

Hope to have solved your doubts ;)

Anonymous said...

you make me joke you are so ugly kisses from turkey